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Robert G. Style

Public Strategies Group

The Public Strategies Group (PSG) was a nationally-recognized firm that provides management consulting services to public agencies. Blinc was hired in 2005 to redesign its corporate site. Project goals were to visually refresh the site based with a graphic identity and incorporate content on government "reinvention" that had previously been published on a separate PSG-run site.

Link to a copy of the PSG's site from the Wayback Machine dated 11/26/2010.

Pic of Public Strategies Group home page


  • Create information design and site architecture.
  • Design navigation scheme.
  • Work with graphic designer to create visual layout.
  • Manage project deadlines and deliverables.
  • Collect and reorder content to conform to new architecture.
  • Harvest content of discontinued PSG reinvention site.
  • Code page templates in HTML/CSS.
  • Build main site structure, subhome pages and a sample subsection.
  • Train client staffer on use of Macromedia Dreamweaver software and site maintenance procedures.


While working as the interactive lead at Blinc Publishing I led an effort to redesign the PSG corporate site. Working with the PSG leadership and Blinc designers, we came up with a new look for the site and a new information architecture to intuitively accommodate additional content. We redressed the site's graphics, reorganized its existing content, rewrote much of the site's metacontent and added content from the firm's site (see below for more details on Care was taken to make sure the new site showed up better in search engines and search results were more closely aligned with search requests.

The Public Strategies Group ceased operations and has taken the website offline.

Beginning in 2000, I worked with PSG as a freelancer to launch a site designed to promote information sharing on government "reinvention" efforts. The site,, was served through a content management system and incorporated a custom-built search engine intended to collect reinvention stories from around the web. The site also featured online versions of three books on government reinvention written by PSG partners.

I maintained the site from launch in 2001 until PSG decided to take it down in early 2005. To get a sense of the content and design of the site, it is a copy is available on the Wayback Machine.

