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Robert G. Style

Professional Experience

Freelance Web Design and Copywriting
2020 - Present
St. Paul
  • Design, build, and/or maintain websites for a variety of clients.
  • Edit and consult with client writing a young adult novel.
Contract Producer/Web Designer and Content Specialist
2019 - 2020
Polaris/Valere Consulting
  • Maintain copy, graphics and taxonomy on Polaris' web platform as part of the content delivery team.
  • Manage the transfer of content from existing websites of boat manufacturing companies recently acquired by Polaris onto the corporate web platform.
  • Write, edit and collect assets for stories about how police and fire departments use Polaris off-road vehicles in their work.
Freelance Web Design and Copywriting
2018 - 2019
St. Paul
  • Design, build, and/or maintain websites for a variety of clients.
  • Write and/or edit copy for a print and online distribution.
Services Business Technology Analyst
2016 - 2018
Geek Squad/Best Buy
  • Work with business process leaders and IT support teams to maintain the in-home and in-store appointment scheduling systems.
  • Collaborate with partners to help create and implement chatbot functionality on the website.
  • Create and edit content to be used to assist Geek Squad clients understand and resolve technology challenges.
Content Specialist
2014 - 2016
Geek Squad
  • Collaborate with leadership and product owners to create and publish content designed to reinforce service delivery and add value to the Geek Squad brand.
  • Manage blogging and social media presence.
  • Maintain onsite search functionality using Google Search Appliance.
Contract Web Designer
2011 - 2014
Geek Squad/Star Collaborative
  • Create and manage content on
  • Develop blogging strategy and edit posts as member of Geek Squad blog team.
  • Maintain onsite search functionality using Google Search Appliance.
  • Track site activity using Google Analytics.
Freelance Web Design and Copywriting
2010 - 2011
St. Paul
  • Design, build, and/or maintain websites for a variety of clients.
  • Work with Hanley Wood Marketing as a contract web content manager and writer on the website.
Web Producer
Twin Cities Public Television
St. Paul
  • Manage subsections of website in support of the station's Almanac and Almanac: At the Capitol public affairs shows.
  • Work with public affairs producers and reporters to further develop the social media presence for the shows.
  • Add video content to tpt's YouTube channel in support of social outreach projects done by the station's Minnesota Channel.
Contract Web Content Manager and Writer
Hanley Wood Marketing
  • Write and maintain content for web and email delivery.
  • Assist team build and maintain subsections of the Federal Express web platform.
  • Edit and prepare content for distribution on Sherwin Williams STIR online magazine.
Interactive Content Producer
2008 - 2009
Twin Cities Public Television
St. Paul
  • Manage a grant-funded project designed to make content available to the public through the web and convert the station's tape archive into digital formats.
  • Maintain subsections of the website to support the Almanac and Almanac: At the Capitol television shows.
  • Coach internal content developers to use social media tools to supplement to their broadcast product and better serve their audiences.
Web Designer/Writer/Office Manager
2005 - 2008
Blinc Publishing
St. Paul
  • Design and build websites and online tools for clients in health care, manufacturing, education, banking, real estate, social services and consulting.
  • Write copy and design information for a variety of online and print communication vehicles.
  • Manage online, writing and communications planning projects.
  • Perform office manager duties, including writing proposals, tracking project costs, billing and accounts payable.
Freelance Web Design/Copy Writing
2000 - 2005
St. Paul
  • Design, build and maintain websites for a variety of clients including a major management consulting firm, three professional services firms, a non-profit social services organization, a bridal shop, a silversmith and a manufacturer of medical devices.
  • Work with clients to assess communications needs and develop communication plans designed to coordinate efforts across media.
  • Write and edit copy for online and print applications.
  • Write and edit a book about Hamilton Wood Type, a printing equipment supplier, for the company's museum.
1997 - 2003
  • Manage the department's website including site design and layout, information architecture, content development, site use metrics and server interface.
  • Oversee a complete site redesign.
  • Create, test and implement coding necessary to launch new site.
Information Officer 2
1995 - 1997
Minnesota Department of Revenue
St. Paul
  • Write for and edit department-wide newsletter.
  • Write and edit a variety of publications.
  • Co-teach a writing class for internal audiences.
  • Manage printing and mailing services.
1991 - 1995
Waste Reduction Institute for Training and Applications Research
  • Research, write and deliver industrial waste reduction training to environmental professionals in the public and private sectors.
  • Manage training and research projects funded by federal and state agencies.
  • Administer a national association of public sector pollution prevention professionals.
  • Track and analyze state pollution prevention legislation.
  • Write columns for two environmental trade magazines.
Manager of Information Services
1985 - 1991
Setter, Leach and Lindstrom
  • Manage seven-person department delivering archival and printing services to large architecture and engineering firm
Information Services Assistant
1981 - 1985
Setter, Leach and Lindstrom
  • Perform archival and printing services for staff.

Download a printer-friendly PDF of my resume here.
