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Robert G. Style

Minnesota Epilepsy Group

The Minnesota Epilepsy Group (MEG) is a St. Paul-based provider of health care services to patients who suffer from seizure disorders. MEG wanted to use their new site to support patients and their families as well as promote their research by publishing outcomes and recruiting participants and partners for new clinical studies.

Link to a copy of the MEG's site from the Wayback Machine dated 11/26/2010.

Pic of Minnesota Epilepsy Group home page


  • Create information design and site architecture.
  • Design navigation scheme.
  • Work with graphic designer to create visual layout.
  • Manage project deadlines and deliverables.
  • Coach MEG staff on the repurposing existing resources and the creation of new content.
  • Collect and reorder content to conform to new architecture.
  • Code page templates in HTML/CSS.
  • Secure new web services provider.
  • Build and deploy site.
  • Work with MEG IT staff to coordinate new site with in-house infrastructure.
  • Train client on use of Adobe Web Contribute software and site maintenance procedures.


The visual design of the MEG site was based on a trade show environment Blinc designed and built for the practice.

The MEG project lead wanted to create all the required new written content for the site. I coached the project lead on the principles of online writing and helped edit the content he created.

Budget constraints prevented us from converting the research reports into more user-friendly HTML documents, so they were posted on the site as PDFs.

MEG redesigned the graphics and layout of their website since Blinc built it. The information architecture on the new site mirrors the one we originally established. It appears that MEG set up their new site on a content management system and took that opportunity to redress their site.

Get a look at the site Blinc built on the Wayback Machine here. The Flash banner won't load properly, but everything else appears to be there.


  • Site map (PDF)
    A overall site map developed for the redesigned site.
  • Site guide (PDF)
    A document identifying editable areas of pages and the styling of text. Intended to be used by MEG staff to help maintain consistency of the site as they update content.
