Bob logo
Robert G. Style

D'Amore, Hillsman, Oliver and Barkley

Longtime Blinc client Bill Hillsman, president of Northwoods Advertising, hired us to design and build a website for DHOB, a political consulting firm focused on promoting campaigns of independent candidates. The project timeline was very compact - about a month from the initial meeting to launch - so agile development techniques were used to meet the client requirements.

Link to a copy of the DHOB website from the Wayback Machine dated 9/13/2010.


  • Create information design and site architecture.
  • Design navigation scheme.
  • Consult with graphic designer on page layout.
  • Manage project deadlines and deliverables.
  • Collect written content.
  • Troubleshoot HTML/CSS/JavaScript coding issues in page templates.
  • Assist graphic designer with site build-out.
  • Coordinate launch with client-selected web services provider.


As an attempt to generate work for his emerging partnership, Bill Hillsman asked us to put together a brand, graphic identity and website to help publicize this new effort. As the head of an ad agency, Mr. Hillsman had some idea of where he wanted to go with this project. We brought some new ideas to the table, particularly regarding the online presence, and were able to work cooperatively with the client to satisfy his needs while complying with web standards and maximizing site usability.

DHOB partners are spread across the country and collecting relevant content was a challenge. With the help of project leadership at Northwoods advertising, we were able to populate the site with relevant, partner-specific information.

In order to "develop a deeper bench" for Blinc, a substantial portion of the coding work on this site was done by another designer working with Dreamweaver. Aside from working out the site's information design and architecture, my role in this project was to help the designer troubleshoot the coding of the page templates done in Dreamweaver to guarantee the site will display consistently on a variety of browsers. I also worked with the project team at Northwoods to successfully secure web services and launch the site.

The DHOB association has ended and the site has been taken down.

